Installed in Spain since 2009, GAC supports innovative companies on all their projects.
C/ Zurbano 45,
4ª planta
28010 Madrid
Phone: + (34) 911.287.878
C/Elcano 9,
3ª planta
48008 Bilbao
Phone: + (34) 944.159.840
Incentives for innovation
Unmissable: the “deducción I+D+i”
The I+D+i deduction (Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica) is an incentive to which all companies developing research, development and technological innovation activities are entitled.
42% of R & D expenses can be deducted each year, plus 17% additional deductions for 100% dedicated R & D researchers.
This deduction is declared with the Corporate Tax and can be used for 18 years. It is also possible to recover up to 80% of this tax credit in cash.
The “Patent Box”
The Patent Box is a 60% reduction in net taxable income from the sale of certain intangible assets created (at least in part) by the company.
It allows companies to recover almost all the creation of intangible assets developed.
Public subsidies and subsidies for innovation
Various public administrations manage, at regional, national and European level, grants and subsidies for R&D projects and technological innovation.
All types of SMEs, large companies doing R&D, as well as research centers and universities, can benefit. Up to 85% of the innovative project can be supported by these public aids.
Your contact in GAC Spain